3-D Printing 3-D, and 4-D printing of Quantum Dots, fuel cells, batteries, computers, lasers, sensors, 3-D printing of digitally encoded DNA, 3-D printing of food, Universal Food Synthesizers, Smartphone and Super Smartphone enabled Medical Diagnostics, Additive Manufacturing, photografting and bioengineering cells, tissues, organs, complex organic and inorganic molecules, molecular constructions, bioengineering specific cells including stem cells, blood, tissue and organ replacements, 3-D tissue engineering and cell printing, cell reprogramming, synthetic DNA, 3-D printing of modified and perfected DNA. Photonic sintering, photonic curing. Advanced Synthetic Materials. MicroRobotics. Biofabrication.
Refining rapidly evolving 3-D Printing and 3-D Scanning technologies enables the conversion of digital information into matter, as a plethora of solutions presents themselves. The inverse is equally significant, converting matter to digital information enables molecular specific and atomic specific relocation, effectively mitigation, providing solutions in medical therapies as well as a multitude of applications throughout every industry and discipline. Within the next 20 years, this technology will alter the trajectory and aspirations of Humanity.