"American Strong"
Increased Income = Increased Spending = Increased Demand
Everyone deserves a living wage of at least $15.00 per hour.
The Middle Class is the economic engine of American prosperity,
providing social mobility, making the American Dream obtainable for everyone.
Look for the "American Strong" declaration on merchant’s front doors and in their advertising which reads:
"We are "American Strong" and we proudly pay all employees at least $15.00 per hour,
strengthening the American Middle Class, increasing consumer demand, sales, profits,
increasing the tax base and reducing America's deficit."
When you go shopping, shop at merchants displaying "American Strong," and keep "American Strong."
Join us in convincing all merchants it is in their best interests to pay everyone at least $15.00 per hour by:
Using social media to notify all your friends and their friends on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin
and other social media sites to "Like" the "American Strong" Facebook Page.
Working together we will need several million "Likes" on the "American Strong" Facebook Page and several million tweets and posts on other social media sites to convince merchants to pay all employees at least $15.00 per hour.
"American Strong" is working with you to restore American's dignity and respect,
rebuilding the Middle Class and ending dependence on government assistance programs.
Providing everyone with a living wage of at least $15.00 per hour
will help stop human trafficking.
Anyone using the "American Strong" sign, insignia, or declaration
and NOT paying every employee at least $15.00 per hour
will be sued for copyright infringement
with photographic evidence obtained from "American Strong" Members.