MRX Projects A few of the 350+ concurrent MRX global projects.
MRX develops the advanced scientific products required to conduct effective counter-terrorism operations. MRX provides proprietary innovation of advanced technologies specific to: AI, Sensors, Robotics, Drone, Quantum Technology, Nanotechnology, Material Science, 3-D Printing, Intelligence, Aerospace, Defense, Energy, Medical, Data Science, Deep Learning, Big Data, Machine Learning, FinTech, Cybersecurity, Counterterrorism, Homeland Security, Synthetic Biology & Cyberwarfare.
Exploiting deficiencies within systems. Scientific innovations of global significance, altering the trajectory of markets and economies.
In 2018, MRX remains privately held, with operations in over 125 Countries, comprised of more than 350 Corporations, employing over 21,000, generating annual revenues of $24.9B USD.
MRX provides and assists Governments and Global Corporations with: Back Channel Special Envoy, Technological Diplomacy, Countermeasures for cyber, technological, corporate, industrial, commercial, intelligence, political, foreign government and economic espionage, Multinational Political, Diplomatic and Corporate Relations, Monetizing global technological arbitrage by exploiting deficiencies and their trajectories within political, economic, corporate, intelligence and cyber systems. Providing direction of international affairs to multinational corporations, Back Channel Diplomacy, Back Channel Diplomatic Strategies and Services, Technology Innovation for Intelligence Dominance, Achieving and maintaining global technological superiority.
The MRX Group
The MRX Group provides initial meeting and strategic alliance strategy consultations with Global Corporations, Heads of State and Ambassadors with Plenipotentiary Authorization, Governments and Lobbyists from $3M USD.
For Corporations, innovative technology insures continued market leadership; for Governments, it remains the metric of capability, defining superiority.
Artificial Intelligence
Adaptive Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence Neuromorphic software and hardware, binary and quantum, emulating the synaptic functionality of the human brain at the molecular level; incorporating neuron interactions of multiple ion channels and the influence of thousands of proteins upon synapses, initiating AI neuroplasticity.
MRX Advanced Sensors
Remote 3-D Scanners for identity location confirmations, tracking and targeting. Photonic, acoustic, cyber, medical, drone, molecular specific, multispectral, hyperspectral, satellite. Proximal and remote multi-biometric identity confirmations. Conventional and non-conventional explosives detection. Remote Personal Idenitification.
Remote Identity Confirmations
Remotely identify and confirm isolation of a specific individual with persistent tagging, tracking and targeting. Remote 3-D multi-axis facial, full body and movement recognition provide 97.4% accuracy in identifying a specific individual with remote see-through clothing technologies, capable of absolute identity confirmations using MRX Advanced Sensors.
Drone Countermeasures
System provides instantaneous lethality. Flooding monitoring area with multiple random altering photonics with correlated sensor arrays tracking field violation/disruption. (Navy LaWS- deployed and operated aboard the USS Ponce from September to November 2014 in the Persian Gulf.) System unit and operational costs a fraction of existing systems and safe to operate.
Monitoring Global Technological Capabilities
Global Monitoring of emerging technological capabilities from Academia, Industry and Governments for integration into the 350+ global MRX Projects.
Genesistic Reasoning Innovation Algorithms for Binary and Quantum Computing.
Creative intelligence has been converted into a mathematical algorithm capable of systematically and comprehensively indexing and integrating new combinations of each tech element, their generic characteristics and applications into previously unidentified non-obvious relationships of nonlinearity in 170 industries and 50 disciplines, utilizing 78 game theory strategies.
3-D Printing
3-D, and 4-D printing of fuel cells, batteries, computers, lasers, sensors, 3-D printing of digitally encoded DNA, 3-D printing of food, Universal Food Synthesizers, Smartphone and Super Smartphone enabled Medical Diagnostics, Additive Manufacturing, photografting and bioengineering cells, tissues, organs, complex organic and inorganic molecules, molecular constructions, bioengineering specific cells including stem cells, blood, tissue and organ replacements, 3-D tissue engineering and cell printing, cell reprogramming, synthetic DNA, 3-D printing of modified and perfected DNA. Photonic sintering, photonic curing. Advanced Synthetic Materials. MicroRobotics. Biofabrication.
Counter-Terrorism Technologies
Counter-Terrorism operations in 27 time zones. Exploiting deficiencies within systems and strategies. Rapid development of advanced technological countermeasures against terrorism.
Anti-Satellite Weapons Technologies & Counter-measures. A plethora of physics based technologies providing satellite kill with no debris.
Tracking Terrorists
Long range sensors medically identify multiple differentiations of specific individuals to remotely identify, track and target specific terrorists, criminals and persons of interest. Significant advancements in sensor technologies now occur every few days. With "Pinpoint GPS+ Terrorist Tracking" these advanced sensors provide a significant reduction of collateral damage.