Axioms with Neil Gerardo
A divine integral comedicus gift wrapped with ribbons of humanity.
No matter how educated, talented or rich you are,
how you treat people ultimately tells all.
"If I appear indifferent, aloof or distant,
it is not because my work is more important than you;
it is because my work is more important than me."
...Neil Gerardo
“When you change your perspective, you never know where you're going to end up."
...Astro Teller
Religion excludes.
Humanity includes.
...Neil Gerardo
“Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.”...Horace Mann
"It's not art until it's sold."
Transcending philosophy and physics, Hunter Thompson compresses reality,
defining the unified field theory of commerce.
"If I have been able to see further,
it was only because I stood on top of my competition."
Sir Isaac applies the foundation of Principia Mathematica to a visceral understanding of Wall Street.
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one."
"The needs of the one outweigh the needs of many or the few."
Karl Marx debates Adam Smith in the enduring internal dichotomy
of the mathematical precept Prisoners Dilemma.
Thank you Gene Roddenberry.
A personal Addendum:
"Because the needs of the many, can be outweighed,
by the accomplishments of the one"...Neil Gerardo
“Great management inspires ordinary individuals to accomplish the extraordinary and extraordinary individuals to accomplish the impossible.” …Neil Gerardo
"Change initiates adaptation, clarifying perspective and direction." ...Neil Gerardo
"Find your passion and tear conventionality apart."....Neil Gerardo
"Vision is innovation anticipating needs."
...Neil Gerard0
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe,
think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
... Nikola Tesla
"Become the best, the first, the smartest, the toughest."
...Neil Gerardo
"The secret of business is to know something that nobody else knows."
...Aristotle Onassis
"It always seems impossible until it's done."
... Nelson Mandela
“If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.”
…Albert Einstein
"Both the man of science and the man of action
live always at the edge of mystery;
surrounded by it."
... J. Robert Oppenheimer
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking
we used when we created them.”…Albert Einstein
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.
For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand,
while imagination embraces the entire world,
and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
...Albert Einstein
"Those who seek to provide solutions enriching humanity and change the world;
believe one person can make a profound difference.
That human potential is unlimited.
Driven by conviction, determination and ingenuity,
these remarkable individuals are confronting global life-changing challenges,
expanding human possibilities and affecting everyone by the future they create."
...Neil Gerardo
“The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct them to hold in higher esteem
those who think alike than those who think differently.”
... Nietzsche
"The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinons."
...Leonardo da Vinci
"Every man is guilty of the good he did not do."
“Everyone is ignorant, only on different subjects.”
...Will Rogers
"Infinite variables of increasing flux, our strength, our weakness, our individuality."
...Neil Gerardo
"Vidi Vici Vini."
(I saw, I conquered, I came)
My original Caesaric inversion from my first day in 9th grade under the tutelage of an abhorred Sister Bernadita;
she immediately replied, "Mr. Gerardo, you are a heretic, sit down."
Sister Bernadita (Little Hitler) then asked the class to help with raising money for the St. Vincent DePaul Society,
I immediately stood and asked, "Why don't we sell the Vatican Jewels?"
Politics is defined as "The Art of Compromise."
When a politician refuses to compromise, they must be replaced immediately
with an intelligent individual capable of moving America forward.
"Success is a pyramid of failures."
...Neil Gerardo
"Accelerating global technology represents the greatest hope for humanity"
... Neil Gerardo
"Respect the beliefs, religions and customs of others and you will be respected;
initiating violence or hate speech is self-defeating and loses all respect.
Welcome to the globally connected, informed world."
...Neil Gerardo
"Accelerate humanity, ascend to the supremacy of all beliefs."
...Neil Gerardo
"If we lose love and self respect for each other, this is how we finally die."
...Maya Angelou
"Initiating violence is the self-defeating illusion of power."
...Neil Gerardo
"It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness."
...Chinese Proverb
Don't complain without offering a pragmatic solution.
"Your picture captures and emanates the hauntingly elusive,
soul penetrating, heart pounding essence that drives men to conquer worlds."
...a well deserved compliment for the inspirational A.Z.
"Peace is more profitable than war."
Financial and cultural profits derived from global trade
provide Governments with the full support of their enriched populations,
living with dignity and globally respected....Neil Gerardo
"The United States will eventually welcome and embrace the
Single Payer Health Care System,
after every other option fails economically."
...Neil Gerardo
"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind."
...Mahatma Gandhi
"When you initiate violence, it strengthens your enemies, accelerating your demise".
...Neil Gerardo
"Violent religious radicals prove their personal beliefs so weak,
they cannot withstand criticism or debate."
...Neil Gerardo
"See you soon."
My epitaph. Get busy implementing your vision updating the betterment of humanity, it begins with you.
Rise to the precious, rare and unique opportunity that is your life.
"Stillness is the greatest revelation." ... Lao Tzu
"He had the ability to look straight into the sun and steal its radiance."
.... Pablo Piccaso upon seeing the works of Vincent Van Gogh.
"Forever does exist, it begins and ends with every second, dont miss it."
Building upon the immediacy of Jonathan Swift.
"Victory belongs to the most persevering."
...Napoleon Bonaparte
"When you see a worthy person, endeavor to emulate them.
When you see an unworthy person, then examine your inner self."
Never stop increasing your global perspective and understanding of yourself,
including how you are percieved by others.
People who demonize others are most often guilty of the same, they can not and do not see it in themselves.
"To much money does not destroy a person, to little character does."
...Neil Gerardo
"Money can exist without religion, but religion can not exist without money."
... Neil Gerardo
"Religion is the most addictive, most profitable drug ever sold."
...Neil Gerardo
"If prayers worked, we could close all the hospitals tomorrow."
... Neil Gerardo
"Two hands helping has accomplished more
than a hundred million hands in prayer."
...a definitive, historical fact, repeatedly proven for thousands of years.
"Why would God have any need for constant attention and adoration?"
...Neil Gerardo
"Religion is the ultimate conspiracy theory."
Intentional misinterpretation and complete fabrications
are the cornerstone of this precursor to P.T. Barnum.
...Neil Gerardo
"Reason is the antithesis of religion."
...Neil Gerardo
"Evil invented religion to divide and conquer all nations and all people
with fear, hate and violence."
All Religions include a minority to exclude a majority in the ultimate act of mass global discrimination.
...Neil Gerardo